Dates, Events, and Reminders


How can I make the events I have in my agenda to appear from the nearest one to the ones that gonna happens later? So in other terms, I want the chronological calendar to be up to bottom and that with the closest upcoming events I have. Right now it is not really conveniant by the way it appears on my agenda because it is not chronological…

Thank you

I don’t really understand the feature without being able to link multiple notes to a single event. I have many disparate projects that all need attention at a specific meeting. What do you suggest as a workaround, and is there any update on whether or not / when this will be supported?

How can I make the events I have in my agenda to appear from the nearest one to the ones that gonna happens later?

By default notes are sorted in reverse chronological order, you can flip the sort order by tapping/clicking the project title:

At the moment you can’t link multiple notes to a single event. We are thinking of allowing this but have no ETA yet. In the mean time see this topic for a larger discussion on this:

A post was split to a new topic: What is the calendar for?

I don’t really understand the feature without being able to link multiple notes to a single event. I have many disparate projects that all need attention at a specific meeting. What do you suggest as a workaround, and is there any update on whether or not / when this will be supported?

Personally I would find it a bit “fiddly” to be moving through many different projects in a meeting. My preference would probably be to have a dedicated project just for the weekly meeting, take all my notes in there, and after the meeting, move anything for other projects. Ie during meeting dump things in a single note, and later organize.

Note that you could also use tags to match things up. You could eg add a tag called “meeting_march21”, and put that in all notes that relate to the meeting. You can then find them all in one hit.

I’m loving the Reminders integration - thank you!

The \remind shortcut allows parameters such as (tomorrow) etc. Is there a means of identifying the Reminders list you would like the reminder assigned to, or must it always be the default list, and we’ll need to then go in and edit it if we want it somewhere else?

Is there a means of identifying the Reminders list you would like the reminder assigned to, or must it always be the default list, and we’ll need to then go in and edit it if we want it somewhere else?

We’ll do our best to add that indeed as a parameter. By default it picks the list you have set as the default list in the Reminders app preferences.

Love the reminders integration very much. Thank you!

Is there a way to link a note to a reminder that already exists, similar to how we can link a pre-existing calendar item to a note?

Thank you,

Is there a way to link a note to a reminder that already exists, similar to how we can link a pre-existing calendar item to a note?

This will indeed be possible in the next update, in the same way you indeed link a pre-existing calendar item.


Hi, i am also think recurring task is a great feature, i don’t know how to set a note as a recurring task. Is it an extra premium feature?

Thanks a lot waiting for this great feature.:grinning:

I am pretty certain that Agenda doesn’t have any concept of recurring tasks.

Location services in reminder? Getting in car? Getting out of car? When get close to a location?

You can change all of these things in the Reminders app, of course. The question is how far Agenda should go to copy all of that functionality. Seems like for more advanced features, Agenda should just give you an option to jump to the Reminders app (which it already has).

I saw it was in new calendar events, but not in reminders.

A post was split to a new topic: Pending reminders overview

A post was split to a new topic: Yesterday list

2 posts were split to a new topic: Not showing all calendars

Will it be enough to subscribe here to be notified of the ability to create recurring tasks within Agenda? I like the quickness of doing so–I don’t want to have to go into another app… Thanks!

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