Can’t delete export attach file

I can’t delete file that export from attach.

OS: MacOS Mojave 10.14.3
Agenda : 4.1

Same bug here. Every file that I export from Agenda is protected and not deletable.
The only way to delete it is using the Terminal.

Thank you for reporting it. We will investigate.

Kind regards,

Note that you may be able to use Finder’s Get Info to unlock the file in the meantime, and then delete it.

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Thanks for reply,
but I can’t delete file after unlock from file info window.
also can’t delete from Terminal.

The only way to delete at my Mac by follow steps :

  1. make a TM backup
  2. Restore file and overwrite it
  3. delete file

Sorry about this. We have a fix coming in the next update.

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In the meantime you can delete it using the Terminal. Just remember to use “sudo” .
So for example:

sudo rm -f filename.png

Thanks. It’s works.

Yes, apologies for this. It is a frustrating problem, because it is quite difficult to remove the files. The sudo command above works. We have a fix coming soon.

Cant seem to get this command to work. :frowning:

Maybe you’re not in the right folder.
Try typing sudo rm -f and then drag and drop the file that you want to delete into the terminal to get the autocomplete.
Only after that, push the return key.

You do indeed need to be in the right folder. If the file is on the desktop, use cd Desktop first.

Here are some slightly less dangerous instructions:

Open Terminal, and type these lines:

cd Desktop
chflags nouappnd "<file name here>"

Now you should be able to move the file to the trash.

Apologies for this issue. It is fixed, and will be in the next release.