Calendar in Related

What I did: Look at Agenda’s Related on a new day

What happened: Items from previous day’s calendars remain in Related sidebar at the top, and don’t change even if you cycle through days: you can get today’s to appear if you quit and restart.

What I expected: The calendar to automatically show today’s events!

Things that might be helpful to know (Agenda version, OS and model, etc): 1.1 on 10.13.2


Does this problem occur with all days and persist after restarting the app?

The calendar doesn’t update itself - but if you restart, it will show the right day. Also, the app isn’t saving the visible state of the “Related” pane between restarts…

The calendar doesn’t update itself - but if you restart, it will show the right day. Also, the app isn’t saving the visible state of the “Related” pane between restarts…

Ah, the latter suggests there’s a problem with your preferences. Does a reboot of your Mac solve this issue? If not does the following terminal command help after first quitting Agenda:

killall -u $USER cfprefsd


No, I’m afraid neither of those worked…

What about quitting Agenda if it’s running and typing the terminal command

defaults write com.momenta.agenda.macos

Does that then remember things?

It does not, and in fact the command throughs up a page on the syntax of the defaults command instead. Is there an error in the command (I know very little about UNIX)?

Apologies, my mistake, the command should be:

defaults delete com.momenta.agenda.macos

Make sure Agenda isn’t running when you run the above command. Let me know if it makes a difference.

I’m afraid not. It reset the app, but the Related sidebar still won’t stay open :slight_smile:

Argh, it remains a mystery. We have one more idea but that will require the next update, stay tuned.

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I’ll survive - and thanks for being so on all this stuff!

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Quick Update: this should be fixed in the 2.0 update.