Bug report on hash tag

When I type in Russian and my word has “й” sign on it, the hash tag stops working on it. I guess, it could be because of the loosy wildcard matching - in Russian there is letter “и” and a bit less commonly used “й” and the hash tag parses brakes here.

I guess it could be also the issue with other languages, like Spanish or French (accente-gue, accente-grafe or smth. like that).

It would be amazing to get this fixed, and then I would love to get some idea how to change all my tags to a proper one (I’m currently, replacing й wtih и, which sounds as strange, as if I would type ‘saund’ in English).

Thanks in advance! Very cool product!

It’s indeed an annoying shortcoming on iOS/iPadOS, which has to do with how text entry is handled. We hope to find a solution in a future update focused on tags. Again, many thanks for the feedback. Enjoy Agenda!

Thanks! And anything on changing the clumsy tags, after the fix?

We hope to bring a tag browser/editor later this year that would allow you to change tags in bulk.

any updates here?

It will be part of Agenda 14 later this year