Backticks getting deleted in FixedWidth mode

When trying to dump snippets of code containing backticks, they keep getting deleted by Agenda.

Backticks in standard text are treated as a signal to turn on fixed width mode for that piece of text, but if you use back ticks in text the is already fixed width, the ticks should survive.

I just tested typing in backticks in some fixed width text, and they did not disappear.

If you are seeing a different result to me, can you explain the steps you take to get the backticks to disappear in the fixed width text?

Kind regards,

I’m copy-pasting a bunch of text into Agenda… I then reformat the copied text into fixed-width. By then the backticks are gone.

Right. One way you can do that is to choose Fixed Width style first, and then paste. I think that should preserve the backticks.

Using the other order, the backticks have special meaning in Agenda (coincidentally they mean to use fixed width).

Kind regards,